
1960's Vogue

It's all about typing in "1960's Vogue" into your search engine and finding such treasures as this one above. Instantly it reminded me of Rihanna's pastel oval signature nails, Beyoncé's gold finger tip ring, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and M.I.A's excessive patterns, lengths, colours and jewels; just a few of my favorite ghetto, trashy, tacky, ridiculous nail icons. I'm a big fan of bold accessories, and there's nothing quite like pillar box red acrylics, gem incrusted inches, or gold plated pointers. Add a knuckle duster, and more rings than fingers, and a tattoo on the wrist: you are good to go.

Eyebrow Envy


Three Favorite Things Today

Beyonce's innovative set and amazing performance at the Billboard Awards, alongside her new video that I'll shamelessly admit to having already watched around 10 times. Friendly Fires' second album all up in my iPod, and getting a lot of love. And, thirdly, moving away from music and onto movies: Terence Malick's welcome (well, partly cheered, partly booed at Cannes...)return to the silver screen. Badlands was so good Tarantino practically remade it word for word in True Romance, and his new film stars Brad Pitt. Enough said.
Good night world xxxxxx


Run the World: Runway

Beyoncé Runs the World



Tickets booked.

Light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.

Favorite novel of all time. I love Fitsgerald, and as of late have even started to aquire a taste for Irvine Welsh but that was partly due to a ridiculously good looking guy suggesting it. But nothing comes close to Lolita, not even A Thousand Splendid Suns, One Day or Atonement. I really want a tattoo, thinking of getting a quote from Lolita or a Fitsgerald novel, I thought maybe Oscar Wilde may be a bit too cliche... Who knows! <3